Membership Options
Any member of the bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or of the United States Courts for the First Circuit may become Regular Members of the Association upon filing a written application and making payment of the requisite amount of dues for the current year. Regular Members shall be entitled to all privileges and benefits of the Association, including the ability to serve on the Board of Directors.
The following individuals are eligible to become Associate Members of the Association: any member of the bar regularly admitted to practice in any state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or in any foreign country; any college student engaged in a course of study related to the law; or any professional or para-professional working in the legal field. Other groups of Associate Members may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors. Associate Members shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits of the Association, except the right to vote. Associate Members are not eligible to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.
Annual Income
Annual Income
$160,000 +
Annual Income
Annual Income
Annual Income
Annual Income
Less than $25,000
Annual Income
Annual Income

Get the Most Out of Your WBA Membership
Join a committee
Get involved in any of our 29 Committees, created to meet the individual needs of all women lawyers, ranging from New Lawyers to Legislative Policy to Amicus to Mothers' Forum to Business Development. If you are interested in joining a committee, contact one of the committee’s co-chairs for more information about upcoming meetings and events.
Join a mentoring circle
Mentoring circles are made up of WBA members with wide ranging backgrounds and experience levels. Mentoring circles meet on a regular basis to network and share ideas and advice on a confidential basis.
Enjoy Member Benefits.
The WBA has partnerships with a number of local businesses that provide generous benefits and discounts to our members.
Attend a Program or Event
Each week, the WBA updates its members on the upcoming programs and events in its “Week in Preview.” These programs and events are often educational and inspiring, and they are always great opportunities to meet and network with other WBA members. Review the website or the “Week in Preview” each week so that you can RSVP for the programs and events that are of the most interest to you.