Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts
105 Chauncy Street, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02111
Ph: 617.973.6666 Fax: 617.973.6663
Women's Bar Association Holds 2023 Annual Meeting and Reception
The Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts (WBA) held its Annual Meeting and New Lawyer Reception on March 23, 2023 at Suffolk University Law School.
The WBA is pleased to welcome Jessica Babine as the organization’s incoming President. Jessica is a partner at Cornetta Babine LLC where she practices civil litigation and real estate in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Prior to forming Cornetta Babine LLC, Jessica served as lead New Hampshire counsel at a national law firm’s Boston office focusing on business litigation and before that at a local Massachusetts firm focusing on worker’s compensation and personal injury cases. Jessica has been active in the WBA since 2011, beginning with the New Lawyers Committee, which she co-chaired from 2016 to 2019. In 2012, Jessica joined the Legislative Policy Committee, co-chairing the LPC from 2016 to 2022. Beginning in 2019, Jessica was elected to the WBA Board of Directors, and she has served as Secretary, Vice President of Operations, and President-Elect during that time. In 2020-2021, Jessica was a member of the Women’s Leadership Initiative. In addition to her WBA activities, Jessica serves as a Board member for the Essex County Bar Association, the North Shore Women in Business, and for her local neighborhood association.
Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell was the keynote speaker at the Reception that followed. She shared lessons from her life and career and described how the work of the Attorney General’s office intersected with so many issues facing the legal profession, such as reproductive rights, gun rights and violence prevention, and housing issues. She also emphasized the importance of the Women’s Bar Association and expressed a desire to continue to collaborate with the WBA on future initiatives.
At the annual meeting, the WBA also voted on a slate of officers and elected members of the Board of Directors. The organization welcomes the following new and returning officers and directors for 2023-24.
WBA Officers
President: Jessica Babine, Cornetta Babine LLC
President-Elect: Alexandra Mitropoulos, Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP
Vice President of Membership & Statewide Outreach: Kim Donlon, Major, Lindsey & Africa
Vice President of Operations: Julie Dick, Community Legal Aid
Treasurer: Payal Salsburg, Laredo & Smith LLP
Secretary: Emily Robey-Phillips, Holland and Knight LLP
WBA Immediate Past President
Kristy Lavigne, Office of Bar Counsel
WBA Board of Directors
At-Large Directors
Jessica Caamano, Goulston & Storrs PC
Margaret Caulfield, Alkermes, Inc.
Martha Coakley, Foley Hoag
Meghan Cooper, Mass General Brigham
Angie Pageler Cunico, Santander Bank, N.A.
Nicole Forbes, G-P
Heather Gamache, Moriarty Troyer & Malloy LLC
Kate Isley, Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General
Elizabeth Keeley, Butters Brazilian LLP
Gwen Nolan King, Nolan & King LLC
Diana Li, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Jamie Sabino, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Amy Sennett, Karat
Sarah Sousa, Arrowood LLP
Jenna Ventorino, WilmerHale
Sarah Walsh, Robins Kaplan LLP
Regional Directors
Lesley A. Leonessa, Dell EMC (Greater Boston)
Ellen Sullivan, Cambridge Immigration Law, PC (Middlesex)
The new board brings energy, a wealth of experience in varied legal disciplines, diversity, and a steadfast commitment to advocating on behalf of women’s issues.
Incoming WBA President Jessica Babine remarked, “I am honored to serve as President of the Women’s Bar Association, which has been a formative organization throughout the advancement of my career. Through the WBA, I have gained trusted mentors and friends, and many opportunities for leadership and professional development. My involvement with the WBA has provided me with a deep understanding of the importance of the WBA’s legislative advocacy to promote a fair and just society. I look forward to working with our members in the year ahead to make positive changes for women lawyers and all women in the Commonwealth.
Outgoing WBA President Kristy Lavigne reflected, “It has been an honor serving as President this year. As the world gradually reopened, I am proud of the work that we accomplished this year. I am grateful for the opportunity to have collaborated with so many of our members on issues facing our profession and community, and to have been a voice advancing the full and equal participation of women. Congratulations to Jessica Babine, our new WBA President, and our new Executive Board and Board of Directors, I look forward to continuing our important work with you all.”