Women's Prison and Re-Entry Project

The Women's Prison and Re-Entry Project serves women incarcerated in Massachusetts’ prisons and jails, or those who have been involved with the criminal justice system. In teams, volunteer attorneys meet with women and answer questions regarding family law, child custody, care and protection, housing, CORI, and criminal warrant clearing. 

The Clemency Pro Bono Project is an expansion of the Women’s Bar Foundation’s Women’s Prison and Re-Entry Project. The Clemency Project was created because clemency, whether in form of a pardon after release from incarceration or commutation of a sentence, has become rare in Massachusetts. The project matches elder women who have served more than ten years of their sentence with attorneys who help them complete their Petition for Commutation and represent them in their hearing.

Please contact Lola Remy at LRemy@womensbar.org for more information.

The Women's Prison and Re-Entry Project Needs You!

We are researching and preparing educational materials so we can resume our seminars once the prisons lift their pandemic restrictions.

Interested in being part of this exciting group of volunteers? Law students welcome! 

Click here to volunteer.

Please contact Lola Remy at LRemy@womensbar.org if you would like more information.